29 weeks

What’s new with the baby?
At week 29, baby is getting plumper. Begin to prepare yourself for the absolute cuteness you’ll soon experience every day! Right now, she measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. She still has a long way to go, and will be tripling her weight before birth!
Food comparison this week is…  (it’s an acorn squash…in case you weren’t sure.)
How am I feeling?
Blah.  I’m sick right now.  Allergies mostly, I think, but also I seem to have somehow contracted pinkeye.  It’s kind of miserable.  And combined with the whollop of allergies, I’m sort of a mess.  Pregnancy-wise, I’m feeling fine, though.  Just exhausted, which is always what happens when I have one of these bouts of allergy misery…and it feels even more concentrated since I’m also pregnant this time. I had my prenatal appt this morning – sort of 2 appts in one, really, since I had to stop in early for a fasting blood draw and then go back in 2 hours later for another blood draw after a ginormous breakfast of and egg, hash browns, toast and jam, a pancake with syrup, sausage and some OJ.  We’ll see how I do on the glucose test in a day or two, I think.  The regular portion of the appt went well, though. Baby appears to be head-down and facing inwards, and my blood pressure was good and urine checked out OK.  We’re already to the time when I start to go in every 2 weeks.  Time is flying by!  And now with Thanksgiving over and heading into Christmas, it’s just going to go faster and faster.
Weight gain?
We didn’t weight at this appt since today was the first day of the midwives seeing clients in the new building (which is right next door to the original building) but they didn’t have quite everything moved over yet.  So…I was spared the scale this time!  (I’ll probably weigh myself tomorrow or the next day…after that massive breakfast wears off, that is!)  Update:  I’m still at just 20 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight.  Holding steady for a bit I guess, which is nice since I got to the 20 lb mark quickly!
What do I miss?  What am I looking forward to?
Right now, I just want to feel better.  And I’ looking forward to wrapping some Christmas presents!  One of the many bummers about family being so spread out at Christmas is that so many Christmas presents are bought online and shipped, so I miss out on getting to wrap them up all nicely.  So I’ve got to enjoy the ones I do get to do.

NOTHING.  I’m procrastinating.

Highlights of the week?

Getting U’s picture taken with Santa.  That was pretty darn cute.


Belly pic:

Here’s a candid one from Thanksgiving…technically I was 28 weeks, but it was close enough to the midway point to count for both!


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